Exciting news!!!
Lifestyle Chiropractic Clinic is able to submit your Chiropractic Invoices to, and claim directly from most Medical Aid Schemes. Our rates are within medical aid scheme rates.
Our rates are based on Discovery Medical Scheme healthcare provider rates.
Please note if we charge directly to the medical aid we charge the full medical aid rate which differs from our private rates.
Our private rates for 2025 are:

Adult First consultation: R850
Adult Follow-up appointments: R650
New complaints requiring a new assessment: R730
Pensioners / Children (under 12) First consultation: R770
Pensioners / Child (under 12) Follow-up appointments: R590.
Please note, we accept cash and Visa or MasterCard credit & debit cards.
Your First Chiropractic Visit
Your chiropractic care will start with the taking of a complete health history. Questions such as what type of pain you have, where the pain is, how did the pain start and so forth will be asked. We will also ask questions about your past health history, family history, and any other conditions that you might previously have suffered from.
After the case history has been taken, a physical exam will be performed in order to assess your condition. All these tests will help give your chiropractor a greater knowledge of what the cause of the problem might be. X-rays or laboratory tests will be referred for if the chiropractor thinks they are necessary.
A treatment plan tailored to your needs will be implemented and you will receive your first treatment immediately if no further tests are needed.
Adjustments are safe, and some patients can experience immediate relief as the normal joint motion is restored and the nerve is freed of any restrictive pressure or irritation. However, some patients require a few treatments in order to correct the problem. No two patients are the same, so be patient as your body starts to realign itself and learns to adapt to the changes that are occurring.